Finding the ideal fit may be difficult in a world where most businesses aim to tailor their employees to the type of job they undertake. In addition, it might be challenging to identify qualified candidates that meet the wage range the firm offers, ensuring that both the applicant and the organization receive fair compensation.

Muoro has developed a novel strategy in its quest to benefit both parties—the business and the employees—by creating remote engineering teams for its tech-enabled clients.

Bharadwaj spent a significant amount of time working in the US and has a background in data engineering and sciences. He saw that the majority of talented engineers were hired by large MNCs when he was there. Due to this, small and medium-sized businesses have extremely limited choices for finding a skilled staff in the area.

A Tool That Assists Both Employers And Employees In Finding The Ideal match

In order to assist such businesses, Muoro was created as a business intelligence tool. It offers them an EaaS (engineer as a service) with qualified engineers operating in various time zones. They guarantee to deliver engineers to the businesses along with a trial period in less than 72 hours.

Software professionals with expertise in areas like Data Engineering, Cloud, UI, Salesforce, AEM, and AI are available through the organization.

Bharadwaj said “our AI sorts through the profiles of the engineers we have on staff in order to discover the greatest match. Then, after presenting the firms with the top 2-3 profiles, they are free to conduct interviews and choose the applicant who best fits their needs”.

In order to address the issue of a skills gap, the organization offers qualified engineers from all over the world. It employs engineers from tier 2 and tier 3 cities and towns in India, including Dharamshala, Nagpur, Indore, and Ananthapuram, among others, making up a total of roughly 1000 engineers. Currently, India is the home to 80% of the company’s engineering employees.

Bharadwaj, who has operated entirely on his own funds since 2018, said “our current goal is to inform businesses and industry leaders that there are alternative ways they can find and recruit qualified engineers”.

The gig economy employs approximately 3 million people and is expanding. The gig economy in India is anticipated to reach $455 billion by 2024, according to ASSOCHAM. According to the business, it earned sales of Rs 15 crore last year and plans to increase it this year.

Over 50 businesses throughout the world, including well-known ones like Microsoft, Nike, Pinelabs, KPMG, Kroger, etc., have employed engineers from Muoro.

Local rivals of the business include Super sourcing and freelance websites. Online platforms and businesses like,, Toptal, Crossover,, and Andela are among of its rivals on a global scale.

Additionally, Muoro has a separate corporation in the US where it intends to expand its sales and operational staff in order to attract more customers in North America.

The Company

Muoro, a firm founded in the year 2018 by Vyom Bharadwaj, offers a workforce of engineers to tech businesses at rates that are cheap for the business and competitive for the engineers.

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